The joint platform to assess and manage risk for cancer and cardiovascular diseases should lead to better outcomes and financial savings by reducing workplace claims costs.

Cambridge-based cancer screening provider Check4Cancer has partnered with London-based technology company Alula Technologies to create a digitally enabled platform to assess and manage risk for cancer and cardiovascular diseases. 

“By partnering with Alula, we can jointly tackle the top two causes of global claims by raising awareness of the risks and symptoms of both cancer and CVD and, by promoting targeted prevention strategies,” says Gordon Wishart, chief executive and chief medical officer at Check4Cancer. 

Almost 8 million people live with cardiovascular disease in the UK and it accounts for around a quarter of all deaths. This represents a growing challenge for the healthcare system, employers, and insurers. Evidence shows that preventative health checks, combined with behavioural changes, can significantly reduce its prevalence, explains Simon Spurr, managing director at Alula Health. 

He continues that his solution uses “advanced data analytics to provide users with a clear understanding of their health risks”. This, he says, empowers them to make “impactful behavioural changes” to their lifestyle. 

The hope is that this proactive and joint approach to cancer and cardiovascular risk management will foster early disease detection and that it will lead to better outcomes, improved survival rates, enhanced employee wellbeing and substantial financial savings by reducing workplace claims costs.