The Trust received the Anaesthesia Clinical Services Accreditation (ACSA) from the Royal College of Anaesthetists.
The anaesthesia departments at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust have been awarded Anaesthesia Clinical Services Accreditation (ACSA) from the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA).
ACSA is a nationally recognised quality improvement programme. Anaesthesia departments are assessed against standards covering all aspects of the surgical patient pathway – from the physical environment to staff training, organisational processes and patient care. Achieving accreditation involves an external peer review.
“This prestigious accreditation is a reflection of the expertise, passion and hard work of our anaesthesia departments,” said Rajarshi Bhattacharya, divisional director of surgery at Imperial College Healthcare.
“A huge amount of work went into this, including collaboration with many wider teams across the Trust,” he continued.
In October 2022, external reviewers from the RCoA conducted an intensive week-long visit to the Trust’s four main sites. The ACSA review team highlighted a number of areas of good practice in their report.
“The engagement across departments was clear throughout the review visit and we were impressed with the subsequent thoroughness to meet standards and achieve accreditation. Imperial College Healthcare should be justifiably very proud of this award,” said lead reviewer, Patricia Mills, consultant anaesthetist and clinical director at West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust.
The accreditation was formally awarded to the Trust in a presentation led by RCoA president Claire Shannon at St Mary’s Hospital on 10 January.